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Prof. Jolanta Perek-Białas


Jagiellonian University

Kooperationspartner / Co-operation Partner

A graduate (Msc 1996, PhD 2001, Habilitation 2016) of Warsaw School of Economics. Poland. Currently she works at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland and at the Institute of Statistics and Demography of the Warsaw School of Economics. She teaches methodology of social research, statistical analysis of secondary data and survey sampling, as well ageing aspects in social work. Polish coordinator of international projects on active ageing, activation of older generations, reconciling work and care for older persons (within the 5th, 6th and 7th EU Framework Projects and for the Volkswagen Foundation, Norwigean Council of Research). As well she has been expert in projects for OECD, European Commission, UNECE and World Bank. She collaborates with many public national institutions, including the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Regional Development, Voivodeship Employment Agency in Krakow, Marshal's Office in Krakow, and Regional Centre for Social Policy and as well with international like AGE Platform Europe, Eurocarers. She is author and/or co-author of many publications related to ageing population, active ageing, situation of older workers and age discrimination, care for older persons.